72 year old female with MI

 This is the case if a 72 year old female , resident of of Kanpur. 

The following history was given by the patient advocate. 

History Of Presenting Illness 

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 years ago . 

From the past 7 years, the patient is  experiencing joint pains and body pains.The pain is continuous. The joint pains are associated with swelling in the winters . 

5 years ago, the patient experienced dyspepsia on consuming food . On visiting the doctor, the patient was prescribed DSR medication. The patient has been consuming it since then. 

14 days ago, the patient advocate recollects that the patient had one episode of restlessness that was not associated with chest pain , which subsided by taking rest.

9 days ago, the patient presented with chest pain at rest , not radiating to the upper extremities , that lasted 4-5 hours. The pain was associated with Nausea and weakness. The patient was rushed to the casualty, where  a diagnosis of myocardial infarction was made. The MI was managed medically and the patient was advised against undergoing angioplasty - by taking into consideration , the patient's age . The patient was admitted and kept under observation for one day and discharged. 

Investigations can be found -here

3 days ago the patient had another episode of chest pain at rest, not radiating to the upper extremities, associated with Nausea, body pains and weakness and fever. The patient was rushed to the hospital and the MI  was managed medically. The patient was admitted 3 days ago and will be discharged tomorrow. On getting a second opinion, the patient was advised to undergo angioplasty. 

Investigations can be found -Here

Past History

The patient is not a known case of DM, HTN, Asthma, TB or epilepsy. 

The patient has not undergone any blood transfusions ir surgeries. 

Family History 

No relevant family history. 

Personal History 

Diet - vegetarian 

Appetite - reduced from the past one year due to dyspepsia.

Bowel and bladder - normal 

No addictions 

Treatment History

- MI Episode 1 - 9 days ago 

- MI Episode 2- 3days ago 


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